
Monday, February 12, 2007

New Electron Positron Machine

Scientists have developed a new 20 mile long machine that has the ability to collide electrons and positrons together with energies of 500 billion electron volts. This machine will recreate the conditions of the earth when it was one trillionth of a second old. Electrons and positrons, unlike neutrons, do not give off quarks and gluons when they collide. This reactions is better for the scientist because it is cleaner and easier for them to work with.

This is related to what we are discussing in class with voltage. Energy must be packed into the particles to make them explode when the collide and create fireballs of energy. We also have discussed how atomic particles can break down. Charge is conserved in the reaction between the electron and the positron, the result is neutral. When a neutron breaks down an electron and a proton are created.